International Journal of Advances in Electrical Engineering
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P-ISSN: 2708-4574, E-ISSN: 2708-4582

International Journal of Advances in Electrical Engineering

2024, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part B
Genetic algorithm-based optimization for power system operation: case study on a multi-bus network

Author(s): Awais Khan, Yan Wang, Sajjad Khan, Irfan Khan, and Muhammad Sajjad

Abstract: The use of genetic algorithm (GA) optimization in power system operation presents a compelling case study for dealing with the complexities inherent in multi-bus networks. This study examines the intricate dynamics of power distribution networks and emphasizes the importance of adaptive approaches in effectively managing modern power systems. As the energy landscape moves towards intelligent grids and advanced network architectures, optimizing the operation of multi-bus networks becomes crucial in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of power supply. By utilizing GA, this research showcases the algorithm's impressive ability to systematically approach optimal solutions for minimizing power loss. Through extensive analysis, GA emerges as the preferred method, demonstrating superior performance in achieving optimal solutions with high objective values and efficient convergence. This underscores the effectiveness of GA in addressing the specific challenges of multi-bus networks, establishing it as a valuable tool for power system optimization. To conclude, the application of GA proves advantageous in achieving desired outcomes in the context of power system operation within multi-bus networks. This research contributes to advancing our understanding of effective strategies for managing complex power systems, paving the way for more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure.

DOI: 10.22271/27084574.2024.v5.i1a.56

Pages: 76-85 | Views: 210 | Downloads: 76

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International Journal of Advances in Electrical Engineering
How to cite this article:
Awais Khan, Yan Wang, Sajjad Khan, Irfan Khan,, Muhammad Sajjad. Genetic algorithm-based optimization for power system operation: case study on a multi-bus network. Int J Adv Electr Eng 2024;5(1):76-85. DOI: 10.22271/27084574.2024.v5.i1a.56
International Journal of Advances in Electrical Engineering
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